
lalibela trekking

Spectacular views.rock churches

Whether you came to Ethiopia for a business, conference or whatever you have a purpose rather than your Holiday time, why not use this great opportunity for visiting one of the top attractions of Ethiopia – The Lalibela Rock churches. Carved out of solid rock in the 12th century, the churches are described by UNESCO as a World Heritage site and considered as the ‘eighth wonder of the world’.To fill the spiritual void created by the inability to go on pilgrimage to Jerusalem, King Lalibela, took it upon himself to construct “New Jerusalem” here at home and built a number of Rock Churches. This finally evolves the city of Lalibela as a Holy city and the local Christian followers believed that pilgrims to Lalibela shared the same blessings as pilgrims to Jerusalem. If you are looking a couple of days visiting the ancient city of Lalibela for those remarkable rocks cut churches this trip will perfect for you.


Day 1

Trek from Lalibela to Ber Metebekiya 6,hur 

After early Breakfast trek from Lalibela to Ber Metebekiya  (3600m altitude, which gives you more outstanding panoramic views of the area. The Ber Metebekia positioned and take in 360 degree views over the surrounding countryside. The trekking from lalibela to Ber Metebekiya is not an easy comparing to your 2nd or 3rd day but the view starting 5 minute you left the city is spectacular, you will pass through few villages and farms. This will be your first day to know how local community live in the mountains.

On your the way to wadebye you will take a short break for snack at Merebarbu (3300m). here we can embark to see swarm Group of Gelada baboons (endemic to Ethiopia) and other mammals, don’t wary if there is no Gelada at the time of your brake because we will see them again at mount abune Yousef Community conservation park.

After having your lunch and short brake You can walk to one of the villages close to the wedebye and learn about the life of the local people including farming practices, cattle rearing and local traditions or walk to the children’s school to teach any subject you would like. Spend the remind of the afternoon enjoying the silence of Ber metebekiya and overlooking the sunset.

At night gather around the fire not only for the cold but the local people have a lovely tradition to welcome their Gusts by washing gusts feet, of course some of our client call it (foot massage). It is common for the people in the mountain when new Gust arrive their house first they will give them food, then wash gusts feet and leave their bed for gusts, (of curse now they will not leave their bed for you because they have prepared privet Tukul Hut for you)

after your diner  locals will present a lovely typical traditional dance of the Highland Tribes,  you can enjoy the muisc  till your time to bed. Lalibela Eco Trekking Tours Guides will give you brief about next day program  & options. 

Accommodation at: Privet Home stay at Ber Metebekiya 

Day 2

Trek from Ber Metebekiya  to Dewalka Village 5Hur

Trek to Dewalka Village , Pass through different villages and learn about local crops on different plateaus as you climb up, specular view till your reach Dewalka ], where you will have overnight for the next day trek to Abune Yousef Park.

In the afternoon Depend on your interest you can walk around the village to see locals life, Also you are very welcome to join the daily activities of  locals: you can learn how to milk a cow, how to prepare and bake Injera(Ethiopian Traditional meal), you can help the farmers harvesting, visit the local school-you even can teach them- or you run out with the youngsters helping them to herd the animals. If we know wedding ceremony or any Traditional ceremony happen on the day you arrive  Lalibela Eco Trekking tours Guide  will let you know in advance if you are interesting to attind and what you should do at the visit. 

Accommodation at: private Home stay at Dewalka Village 

Abune yousef park
Ber Metebekiya
Day 3

Trek to Abune Yousef  Park – Degosach Eco Lodge  

After having breakfast trek to the 3rd Highest peak in Ethiopia Called Rim Gedel (4300m) inside  at Abune yousef  park, you will enjoy the spectacular view of abune yousef park and different fauna and flora, visit swarm of Ghelada baboons, read fox, plenty of Birds and lots of Fauna and flora of the area… with picnic you will spend most of your day inside abune yousaf and clime till the last point the peak Of Rim Gedel. 

After picnic lunch, you will have an easy Trek to the beautiful our newly Built Eco Lodge Named Degosach Eco Lodge & farm. 

Accommodation at: Degosach Eco Lodge 

Day 4

Trek from Degosach Eco Lodge to Lalibela 4,hur or  in another Direction Trek to Yimrhane kirstos 5hur 

Your last day is optional. You have two options.  

Option 1: in another direction Trek to Yemrehane Kirstos (5hur) after lunch visit the marble churches  of  Yimrhanne kirstos, which predates the Lalibela churches and was built using a completely different style of construction involving marble and wood. The church is built inside a cave. Pass through different villages and learn about local crops on different plateaus, specular view till your reach the church.

 Option 2: After breakfast trek from dewalka village to Lalibela 7 – 8hur. Pass through different villages and learn about local crops on different plateaus, specular view till your reach Lalibela. On the way have some time at merbarbu  for Last visit of Ghelada baboons, birds and other mammals of the area.

Accommodation at: your choose Hotel in Lalibela.


Dewalka village
yimrhane kirstos

 For a detailed tour

About Simien Mountains


Gondar,Kebele 02
Chewua Sefere, Gondar Town


+251 95 346 8979



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