Let’s explore the land of ethiopia
Ethiopia is one of the safest countries in Africa for foreigners, and violent crime against foreigners is almost unknown. However, all visitors should take extra precautions to secure their valuables. A money belt or other means to hide cash and documents is strongly recommended.

Ethiopian High Land Tours recommends that all tour participants consult their physicians 30 days prior to tour departure.

All tour participants are encouraged to purchase traveler’s health insurance that covers emergency repatriation. Many carriers offer reasonably priced short term policies.

Visitors coming from certain destinations are required to have a Yellow Fever immunization card.

Certain areas of Ethiopia have malaria mosquitos and all visitors should confer with their physicians to determine which prophylactics, if any, are necessary.

It is recommended to have all immunizations up to date.

All medium to large towns have pharmacies, but it is advisable to bring a sufficient supply of any medications that you require.
The Following Tips are from the USA’s Center for Disease Control Traveler’s Health:
Get vaccines and medicines to prevent travel-related diseases as recommended by your healthcare provider.
Wash your hands often
Cover your coughs and sneezes.
Drink plenty of water.
Use insect repellent.
Use sunsreen of at least SPF 15.
Avoid touching animals.
Drink beverages that have been bottled and sealed.
Follow local laws and customs.
Carry a copy of your passport.
Do not put ice in drinks.
Eat foods that are fully cooked