
Omo valley

tribal villages.ethnic culture

Summary: Cultural tour to omo valley
Duration: Visit the tribe of omo valley in 5 days 4 night



Day 1

Together with the team of Ethiopian High Land Tours We drive to ARBAMINCH passing the town of BUTAJIRA-HOSSANA. On the way visit TIYA stone field and GURAGE village after Lunch Late in the afternoon we will arrive in the town is called Arbaminch. Sleep the night at Arbaminch


Day 2

Together with the team of Ethiopian High Land Tours We will drive to JINKA-the capital city for the
southern OMO Valley Region on the way we will stop to visit KONSO village town we will stop for Lunch in WYTO village it is the market place for STEMAY tribes. After lunch we drive to JINKA. On the way you will visit STEMAY, BANA and ARI tribes. Sleep the night at ginka hotel(lodge)

Konso village


Day 3

Together with the team of Ethiopian High Land Tours We will drive to MAGO National park to visit
the MURSI tribes and BODI then we will drive to JINKA town after lunch then you will drive to turmithrough keyafar We attend the colorful Thursday market Keyafer, Tuesday market Alduba
(Demeka) and Monday market in turmi, then we visit the Hamer village, in the night, most probably we will see bull jumping and evangadi dance, Overnight in Buska lodge (available for camping in the
Hamer village

Turmi –Omo rate-karo

Day 4

Together with the team of Ethiopian High Land Tours Early morning, we drive to Omo river and we cross with boat to visit dasenech tribe. Afternoon we drive back to Karo vilage They are known for their body painting and scares. We will visit the dying tribes of omo valley. This tribes are known for decorating their face with a clay and they are the smallest in terms of number. Then we drive back to Turmi. Overnight in Buska lodge (available for camping in the hamer village)


Day 5

Early morning drive to Ginka through keyafar We attend the colorful Thursday market Keyafer,
Tuesday market alduba(demeka) and Monday market in turmi, on the way you will visit the bena
and ari tribe after having lunch in Ginka transfer to airport.

Karo tribe

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Gondar,Kebele 02
Chewua Sefere, Gondar Town


+251 95 346 8979



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